Donovan "Donny" Andrews

Name: Donovan “Donny” Andrews
Age: 21
Relationship status: Dating Jordan Brighton
Major: Journalism
Interests: Photography, music, drumming

Donovan Andrews is a fun loving, charismatic musician that has talents in various other subjects as well. Whether he is capturing moments on video or his cell phone, Donovan has a camera in his hands wherever he goes. He enjoys creating the most candid shots of his friends and family and brags that his girlfriend of three years, Jordan, is his best subject. 

His dreams brought him to Emerald Cove and Cyprus-Gray on scholarship to pursue photographic art and creative writing. Donovan aspires to become a photographer for National Geographic. With a degree in Journalism he hopes to one day work for the company and travel the world capturing the shots that take your breath away because “those are the moments worth living for”.